President’s Message
March 2021
Symposium Registration is Open!
Written Exam Registration is Open!
CMFs are open!
Elections are Open—again?
Here is the March update:
Ten candidates from all around the country were nominated for the ACBSP™ board of directors! Thank you to everyone whose hats were thrown into the ring this year. It was one of the best slates ever! And then for the first time ever, we had a TIE! This forced the ACBSP™ to have a run-off election. The runoff election started 3 March, is running for 2 weeks and will end Wednesday, 17 March 2021. Please cast your votes as soon as possible.
The next CCSP® and DACSBP® written examinations will be administered through computer-based testing on Saturday, 1 May. Click on the website link to start your application process. The deadline for application is 1 April.
Certification Maintenance Fees (CMFs) are accepted through 30 June 2021. If you haven’t completed the registration form, here is the link.
And for those of you affected by this year’s audit, the audit deadline is 17 March. Confused by the word “audit”? Each year, a percentage of active certificants are selected by audit to send in proof of their CEUs (from the prior year), current CPR and SafeSport certifications. If you were selected, please send your information to Cindy asap.
A huge thank you is extended to the symposium committee of Rachel Bryant, Matt Hartsburg, Tyler Infield, Tom Young and the recent addition of Melissa Nagare. The committee has been working hard since July of 2020 to deliver a great lineup of speakers. The theme of “Hands Off 2020, Hands On 2021” got sidelined from live event into a virtual format. Thank you to Melissa Nagare for handling the virtual-ness of the symposium and getting us set up for the online event.
The 2021 ACBSP™ Chiropractic Sports Sciences Symposium starts at 9:00am MST (mountain time) both 24 and 25 April, Saturday and Sunday. Presentations will begin at 9:30am MST so be sure you are logged in early. Presentations end at 5:00pm MST each day. The twelve (12) hours of live presentation will be delivered through Zoom (known as synchronous learning). The speakers are ready and excited to bring you the latest information in sports chiropractic and treatment options. Prepare by reading the speaker’s bios on the website. Here is the link.
The additional 12 CEU hours will be offered online as the concussion course through the ACBSP™ website (known as asynchronous learning). You will have 3 months to complete the additional 12 hours for state CEUs from the symposium start date.
Information on package pricing and registration is posted on the ACBSP™ website. Register today!
Those who have taken the concussion course since September 2020 have already received an email with additional information. Contact the national office if needed.
But…. I mentioned “check the website.” YASSSSS!! We have a NEW WEBSITE coming! Are you excited!? We all are! You asked for a faster website, one that would help you find other sports chiropractors, one that would provide educational resources, one your patients could access to learn more about CCSP®s and DACBSP®s! We heard your pleas and are answering the call! A special message will come out when it is ready. But you cannot all attack at once!
The ACBSP™ is working to make the specialty field of sports chiropractic stronger!
Anne Sorrentino, D.C., DACBSP®
President of American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians™
February 2021
Elections are Open!
Sports Chiropractor of the Year nominations are Open!
Written Exam registration is Open!
Is everything open?
Here is the February update:
Ten candidates from all around the country are on this year’s ballot for the ACBSP™ board of directors! We asked for new people to run and you answered the call! Read the bios if you do not know the candidates… and read them even if you do. It’s a great way to learn about your colleagues! Elections are open until Thursday February 25th!
SCOTY: Nominations are open for this year’s Sports Chiropractor of the Year! Who do you believe represents us all as sports chiropractors? It’s time to honor one of our own. Nominations remain open until Friday, February 19. Here’s the link for the nomination form.
The next CCSP® and DACSBP® written examinations will be administered through computer-based testing on Saturday, May 1. Click on the website link to start your application process. The Test Plan will be listed on the website in March. The deadline for application is April 1.
BUT… the symposium! Where is it? IT’S COMING in 24 hours of CEUs. On Saturday and Sunday, April 24 and 25, the ACBSP™ will offer its first ever VIRTUAL symposium in the form of 12 hours of LIVE presentation through Zoom (known as synchronous). The speakers are ready and excited to update you on the latest information in sports chiropractic and treatment options.
The additional 12 hours will be offered online as the concussion course through the ACBSP™ website (known as asynchronous learning). Information on package pricing and registration is forthcoming. Those who have taken the concussion course since September 2020 will be receiving an email with additional information.
And more information will be coming on everything as soon as it is ready!
The ACBSP™ is working to we can make the specialty field of sports chiropractic stronger!
Anne Sorrentino, D.C., DACBSP®
President of American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians™
January 2021
Happy New Year to all ACBSP™ Certificants!
2021 will bring more changes to the ACBSP™. The symposium committee was thrilled to bring you the excitement of Pittsburgh with 24 hours of new speakers and several hands-on topics in a new venue. The theme of Hands Off 2020, Hands On 2021 was selected to highlight this program; however, the pandemic had other plans. As a result, the ACBSP™ will present our Chiropractic Sports Sciences Symposium scheduled for April in a virtual format. We will offer 12 synchronous hours of live presentations. 12 asynchronous hours will also be included as part of the symposium registration package. Block April 24 and 25 on your calendars for this exciting event! More will be announced in the next two weeks as the event package is finalized.
Remember to take advantage of the discount period to pay your 2021 Certification Maintenance Fee. Fees will be increasing on February 1st. The updated form allows e-signatures through Adobe sign. After completing and submitting your registration form, the national office sends a “second” email. Submit the second and DONE! The whole process takes only a few minutes. Be sure to check all of your email addresses to ensure you receive the notice, and please make sure to update your preferred email address with the home office.
As a reminder, if you plan on submitting an abstract for your written DACBSP® requirement, the deadline is February 1, 2021. DACSBP® candidates, do not fear this diplomate requirement—it is only 250 words and you can do it! Submit your completed abstracts to
Nominations for the Board of Directors’ two open DACBSP® positions has closed. Several names were submitted, and the nomination committee will soon provide a ballot for elections to be held in February. We are excited to see so many new names on the list! Taking an active role in the ACBSP™ and bringing new ideas to the table makes our specialty field of sports chiropractic stronger!
SAVE THE DATE! The next written examinations for CCSP® and DACSBP® will be held Saturday May 1, 2021. If you plan on testing, mark your calendars to plan your study schedule. As mentioned before, the testing is now a remote-proctored computer-based format reducing costs of travel and lodging.To answer your practical examination question, the current plan is to offer a practical examination in 2021. Because this must be offered in person, no date has been set due to ongoing changes with the pandemic. Be assured we are monitoring state and national guidelines and will keep you informed as decisions are made.
Doing our best to help YOU be the best,
Anne Sorrentino, D.C., DACBSP®
President of American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians™