
DConline Proprietary Information

Concussion Information

Concussion is a very important topic for health care providers, athletes, parents, and administrative groups. This resource is intended to provide information for any individual interested in learning more about concussion. The information provided reflects the position on concussion of the American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians™ (ACBSP™). The ACBSP™ promotes the highest standards of excellence and clinical competence for doctors of chiropractic who specialize in sports medicine and physical fitness. The ACBSP™ provides two tiers of certifications: the Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians® (DACBSP®) and the Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician® (CCSP®). Each of these certifications utilizes a competency-based approach to concussion training and evaluation. The area of concussion management is based upon current literature and includes assessment of candidate knowledge.

The ACBSP™ Position Paper on Concussion is a valuable reference for any individual interested in concussion. This position paper provides answers and recommendations regarding concussion management for ACBSP™ certified doctors of chiropractic, doctors of chiropractic, other medical professionals, parents, athletes, and administrative groups.

Doctors of chiropractic with a current CCSP® or DACBSP® certification are qualified to manage the concussed individual in any patient population. Doctors of chiropractic may be qualified to evaluate, diagnosis and manage the concussed individual. The prerequisite management skills for a concussed athlete can be supported by additional education such as the ACBSP™ Concussion Registry Course (ACR-Course). The terminal degree of the healthcare provider does not necessarily render the individual competent to evaluate and manage the concussed athlete. Mastery of the concussion specific knowledge, skills and abilities to navigate the correct pathways of care are the keys to the successful management of the concussed individual. In fact, the states of Alaska, Arizona and Ohio have enacted legislation that allows doctors of chiropractic who maintain a current ACBSP™ certification and are listed on the ACBSP™ Concussion Registry Directory (ACR) to diagnose and manage concussion and/or make return-to-play decisions.

The management of concussion in athletics is an area of sports medicine that is clearly in a continued evolution. Several methods of evaluating and assessing concussion that was once considered standards of care are now defunct. The importance of arriving at correct clinical decisions regarding the assessment, management and return to play criteria of individuals who have sustained concussion remains one of the greatest challenges to sports medicine providers. To assist healthcare providers from any profession who wish to demonstrate a level of competency the ACBSP™ offers an ACR-C.



The purpose of the ACR-Course is to provide a learning format for healthcare providers to voluntarily review current evidence-based concussion management information and to demonstrate competency regarding the evaluations and management of concussion in sport. The healthcare provider will review the course materials and complete an outcome evaluation. The ACR is a list of healthcare professionals who have successfully completed specific training in the evaluation, treatment, and management of concussion in the online, self-paced ACR-Course provided by DConline.

ACBSP™ and DConline collaborate to offer the ACR-Course and the concussion registry. The ACBSP™ administers the registration for the ACR-Course and the listing of healthcare providers on the ACR on ACBSP™ website and DConline provides the content and delivery platform for the ACR-Course. Once the ACBSP™ receives a completed ACR-Course registration form or online order, the healthcare provider’s certification status with the ACBSP™ is verified (if applicable). The ACBSP™ provides DConline the registration information for all qualified and verified healthcare providers upon receiving payment for the course; DConline then initiates the registrant’s access to the course.

The course is updated as new information becomes available regarding sports related concussion.  A major update was completed in July of 2019.

Once a healthcare provider successfully completes the course their name, degree, ACBSP™ certification (if applicable) and date of expiration of their registration in the ACR are listed on the ACR on the ACBSP™ website. In addition, DACBSP® candidates who successfully pass the head trauma station of the DACBSP® practical exam are also listed in the ACR for two years from the date of their practical exam. Each provider’s registration expires two years from the month in which they successfully complete the concussion course.

ACBSP™ certificants may earn CEUs to meet their annual continuing education requirement by completing the ACR-Course. CEUs are awarded 1 CEU/hour actively spent in the online training course up to a maximum of 15 CEUs.

ACR-Course specific information:

  • Time on task: The average learner spends 12.45 hours in the course with an additional 1 hour in the mandatory CDC course; so, the total time commitment is around 13.5 hours. This may change depending upon many factors including prior knowledge, reading rate and technical comfort with distance-based learning.
  • Course delivery: The course uses PowerPoint, videos, narrative lecture, PDFs and outside resources, etc.
  • There are two learning outcome requirements that are comprised of true/false and multiple choice questions.
  • The minimum passing score is 80%.
  • The questions for the outcome will be extracted from the course materials.
  • The registry is not a certification.
  • Healthcare providers who successfully complete the course will be listed on the roster of ACBSP™ Concussion Registry for a two year period.
  • State CEUs are not awarded for this course.

All registrations are completed online using the form below.  If you have questions concerning registration, please call or email Cindy Hayter, Executive Director, at (844) 327-2255 or

ACBSP™ Concussion Registry Course Registration

ACBSP™ Concussion Registry Course Registration

No payment items has been selected yet

Concussion Registry

First NameLast NameCertificationDegreeExpirationState
AsaAndrewDCOctober 2025FL
RebeccaAultCCSP®DCJanuary 2026OH
RobertAultCCSP®DCJanuary 2026OH
DavidAvolioDACBSP®DCDecember 2025FL
JustinBakerCCSP®DCJune 2025OH
CraigBanksCCSP®DCDecember 2024OH
ZacharyBernardCCSP®DCMay 2025TX
Jennifer BishopCCSP®DCOctober 2025TX
BrandonBoothCCSP®DCDecember 2025AZ
HeatherBourdonCCSP®DCDecember 2025MO
DavidBrickeyCCSP®DCFebruary 2025MO
LaKiaBrownCCSP®DCDecember 2024IN
SharonBruceDACBSP®DCMay 2025CA
RachaelBryantDACBSP®DCJuly 2026PA
DanielBucekDACBSP®DCMay 2025IL
CaseyBunsCCSP®DCApril 2026IA
JeremyBuschDACBSP®DCJune 2025VA
MarcusCampioneCCSP®DCDecember 2024IL
DainCasonCCSP®DCApril 2026WA
RonCottrellDACBSP®DCOctober 2025CA
ThomasCrabbeDACBSP®DCDecember 2024MA
KaraCrabillCCSP®DCOctober 2026OH
DarianaCuadradoDCSeptember 2025CT
Sara CuperusCCSP®DCOctober 2025MN
AdamDavisDACBSP®DCOctober 2025OH
StephanieDietzCCSP®DCNovember 2025OH
KerriDomingoCCSP®DCDecember 2024CA
JasonDurnasDACBSP®DCDecember 2025IL
DwaineEverettCCSP®DCMarch 2026OH
MickeyFrameCCSP®DCDecember 2024OH
J. Branden GarlandCCSP®DCDecember 2026OR
JulianGilesCCSP®DCDecember 2025MO
Blake (Robert)GrahamDACBSP®DCJuly 2025TX
PaulaGray-MitchellCCSP®DCJuly 2026CA
Karina GurneyCCSP®DCOctober 2025NC
DawnHackerDACBSP®DCAugust 2026OK
JohnHaggertyCCSP®DCSeptember 2026OH
WayneHansenCCSP®DCAugust 2025UT
ChelseaHaponskiCCSP®DCDecember 2025AK
GarrettHaponskiCCSP®DCDecember 2025AK
JoyHenryCCSP®DCDecember 2026FL
RonaldHernandezDACBSP®DCOctober 2025TX
KendalHoardDACBSPDCMarch 2027WI
StephenHofmeirDACBSPDCDecember 2025AZ
RikkeJohansenCCSP®DCSeptember 2025CA
CobyJohnsCCSP®DCNovember 2026AZ
EmilyKahlerDACBSP®DCApril 2026OR
Alson KanaheleDACBSP®DCApril 2026CA
BalrajKhakhCCSP®DCNovember 2025WA
CallieLanceCCSP®DCDecember 2025TN
RobertLavoieDACBSP®DCNovember 2025ME
ChrisLeeDACBSP®DCApril 2026CA
JeremyLeeDACBSP®DCDecember 2025NY
NicoleLeshawCCSP®DCDecember 2025WA
JudyLipkaCCSP®DCMarch 2025AL
ShoshanaLoerchCCSP®DCMarch 2026OH
RyanLoflandCCSP®DCDecember 2024WA
MichaelLyonsCCSP®DCDecember 2026OH
Melissa MacDonaldCCSP®DCOctober 2025MN
MindyMarDACBSP®DCMay 2025CA
BrianMatherCCSP®DCMay 2025WA
BrettMathesCCSP®DCNovember 2025IA
KennethMcLeodDACBSP®DCOctober 2025OH
CodyMechamCCSP®DCJanuary 2027UT
WendyMehaffeyCCSP®DCApril 2026VT
StevenMitchellDACBSP®DCJuly 2025CA
HeatherMoralesDCNovember 2026WA
William MoreauDACBSP®DCAugust 2025OR
ChristopherNetleyCCSP®DCSeptember 2026MI
Nguyen NguyenCCSP®DCApril 2026CA
JasonNielsonDCOctober 2026AZ
Sam NorgaardDCJanuary 2025IL
NicholasNowickiDACBSP®DCOctober 2025IL
KoltenPedigoCCSP®DCDecember 2024IL
JeffreyPoplarskiCCSP®DCMay 2025NY
TylerReisdorphCCSP®DCOctober 2026WA
JeffRichardsCCSP®DCJune 2026WI
AdamRogersCCSP®DCApril 2026TX
KellyRoush IcenhowerCCSP®DCAugust 2025OH
RogerRussellDCDecember 2024NV
AndrewSchmutzCCSP®DCAugust 2026OH
VanceSchuringCCSP®DCFebruary 2025CO
FrancescoSinopoliDACBSP®DCDecember 2026AZ
JoannaSuttonCCSP®DCFebruary 2025OR
JeffreyTartackCCSP®DCJuly 2025FL
ChrisTsaiDACBSP®DCSeptember 2025CA
MarcVan DriesscheDACBSP®DCNovember 2026WA
LindsayVerboortCCSP®DCMay 2025OR
BrianVetterCCSP®DCDecember 2024OH
Kyle WagnerCCSP®DCDecember 2025WA
JeffWellsCCSP®DCJuly 2026OH
JamesWileyDACBSP®DCDecember 2025CO
NatashaWilliamsCCSP®DCJune 2026AZ
BlakeWillsCCSP®DCSeptember 2026NE
KazimieraZippertCCSP®DCDecember 2026OH