2026 Chiropractic Sports Sciences Symposium Registration – Vendors

2026 Exhibitor and Sponsor Registration Form - Chiropractic Sports Sciences Symposium (#25) (#26)
  • Exhibitor Business Information
  • Exhibitor Contact Information
  • Booth Location / Exhibition Preferences

Exhibitor Official Contact Information

Onsite Personnel Badge #1 Information

Onsite Personnel Badge #2 Information

Booth location/exhibition area preferences

The exhibitor floor plan will be available soon. If you are purchasing a sponsorship that includes a booth, but you want to decline the booth, please indicate your intention below.

We will provide a POC at Parker University for electrical needs. 

Select sponsorship level or vendor booth only

Exhibitor Booth only (35 available) All booths include the following: 6-foot draped table, 2 chairs and one trash can. You must exhibit within your allotted space. If more room is needed, then an additional charge will be incurred for an additional booth. Also included in the exhibit booth charge is one complimentary conference registration and vendor reception.

Platinum Elite - Sponsor (1 available) 2 premium booths in vendor area (1st choice booth selection); 10-minute presentation at the vendor reception; Verbal recognition at the vendor reception; 5 complimentary symposium registrations; 5 complimentary reception admissions; Platinum listing w/ logo on all marketing, social media, and email correspondence; Logo listed as Platinum sponsor on ACBSP website (logo must be submitted by your company by January 27, 2026)

Gold Level - Sponsor (2 available) Premium booth in vendor area (2nd choice booth selection); 5-minute presentation slot at the vendor reception; Verbal recognition at the vendor reception; 3 complimentary symposium registrations; 3 complimentary reception admissions; Gold sponsor listing with logo on all marketing, social media and email correspondence; Logo listed as Gold sponsor on ACBSP website (logo must be submitted by your company by January 27, 2026.

Silver Level - Sponsor (5 available) 2 complimentary symposium registrations; 2 complimentary reception admissions; Silver sponsor listing with logo on all marketing, social media and email correspondence; Logo listed as Silver sponsor on ACBSP website (logo must be submitted by your company by January 27, 2026) Booth in vendor area

Bronze Level - Sponsor 1 complimentary symposium registration; 1 complimentary vendor reception admission; Bronze sponsor listing with log on all marketing, social media, and email correspondence: Logo listed as Bronze sponsor on ACBSP website; Booth in vendor area; Logo must be submitted by your company by January 27, 2026)

Break Sponsor Listing on all marketing, social media and email correspondence; Logo on display board during breaks; Logo listed as Break sponsor on ACBSP website (logo must be submitted by your company by January 27, 2026)

Vendor Sponsor 4 complimentary reception admissions; Recognition during vendor reception; Listing on all marketing, social media and email correspondence

Swag Bag Sponsorship Logo displayed on all bags handed out to attendees

Bag Insert Place samples or flyers in swag bag . All materials will be sent to an address (TBD). There is a fee for each item placed in the swag bag. 

Apply Coupon
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